Book Reviews, Books and Me

REVIEW: The Last Orphans by N.W.Harris

book review(1)

The Last Orphans (Vol #1) by N.W.Harris

14012220_1245851038799644_1955197727_nOne horrifying day will change the life of sixteen-year-old Shane Tucker and every other kid in the world.

In a span of mere hours, the entire adult population is decimated, leaving their children behind to fend for themselves and deal with the horrific aftermath of the freak occurrence. As one of the newly made elders in his small town, Shane finds himself taking on the role of caretaker for a large group of juvenile survivors. One who just happens to be Kelly Douglas—an out-of-his-league classmate—who, on any other day, would have never given Shane a second glance.

Together, they begin their quest to find out why all of the adults were slaughtered. What they find is even more horrifying than anything they could have expected—the annihilation of the adults was only the beginning. Shane and his friends are not the unlucky survivors left to inherit this new, messed-up planet. No, they are its next victims. There is an unknown power out there, and it won’t stop until every person in the world is dead.

A spine-tingling adventure that will have you gasping for breath all the way until the last page, The Last Orphans is the first book in an all-new apocalyptic series.

I purchased this book for free from Amazon Kindle.


What would you do if all the adults on earth were dead, and you knew that unless you stopped the weapon that caused the slaughter, it will slowly start to turn against the younger generations? Not only that, you are one of the oldest children still alive- a teenager- with over seventy younger children looking to you as their leader?

This book was a pleasant surprise. I can’t believe that you can pick it up for free on Amazon Kindle. I thoroughly enjoyed this well written, perfectly paced, action packed story. Harris has a natural talent for moving along the narrative from one chapter to the next, and having group dynamics and relationships moving effortlessly along with it.

The older children, who have taken charge of the younger children, have not only to deal with the effects of the weapon, but other less accommodating gangs in the city. Each person plays a role in the group and have distinct personalities. There are deaths, and yes, they pack a punch.

The ending was brilliant and ended on a huge cliff hanger. I shall be buying the rest of the series for sure- as in this week.

If you are a fan of well written apocalypse stories with a great crew of characters, then get this book. It’s FREE people.

The opinions expressed here are those of K.J.Chapman and no other parties

All books reviewed on this blog have been read by K.J.Chapman

K.J.Chapman has not been paid for this review


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