Book Reviews

Review: Train to the Edge of the Moon by Asper Blurry

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Train to the Edge of the Moon by Asper Blurry 4/5

Punk is no ordinary girl who takes the life as it is. She has a nasty habit of getting in troubles, she shows the middle finger to people’s prejudice and stupidity, fights against her broken identity and the corporation where she works. She always goes against the stream with her heavy, tight shoes, but still tries to be a better person. Punk’s adventurous journey to become a poet starts in a Place Without a Name, continues in Italy and London. Her train is full of laughs, reflections, occasional heartbreaks and modern tales about our young lives and complicated relationships. You will probably love and hate Punk at the same time, but it will be difficult to forget about her wild side of the moon.

Thanks goes to the author for giving me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

Train to the Edge of the Moon is due for release on October 8th 2016.


Punk is a whirlwind of drinking, sex, identity issues, and has a habit of making destructive choices. The poet is stagnating in her home ‘a place without a name’, and flees to find herself, or find anything- something, in Italy and London. The Train to the Edge of the Moon follows Punks wild, dangerous, and sometimes heartbreaking journey of complicated loves and life lessons.

This is a tricky review to write and not because I didn’t like the book, but because it is hard to sum up the essence of the book in few paragraphs. From the start I knew that Blurry’s writing style is undoubtedly unique and contemporary. The raw, bluntness in narrative and dialogue could come off as jarring, but adds to the tone of the book. I felt like I was privvy to something new and fresh. Punk’s edgy and destructive train of thought is captured perfectly.

The relationships are handled honestly and with raw abandon. While there are times that you hate and love Punk, you are always drawn to Puzzle and Bunny. They are both strong supporting characters who care about the disaster that is Punk. The only time you glimpse the real, damaged, honest Punk, is when she is with the two of them. Puzzle is a particularly important character, and some may see her as a wet blanket for putting up with the way Punk treats her, but I see her as a caring, loving, devoted person, who puts Punk’s feeling above her own. Such qualities make for a strong individual.

If you’re looking for a totally fresh writing style with complicated characters, blunt honesty, and an edgy narrative, then this is the book for you.

The opinions expressed here are those of K.J.Chapman and no other parties

All books reviewed on this blog have been read by K.J.Chapman

K.J.Chapman has not been paid for this review


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