Writing and Me

Re-Draft Time


Even as I was writing Thrown to The Blue, I knew I’d have to re-draft and do some serious editing. Writing multiple POVs for the first time was refreshing, but challenging. I’m pretty sure my re-draft will involve cutting masses of repeated information. Sometimes, I knew I was doing it when I was writing, but I was on such a roll that I thought, ‘Oh well, I’ll leave it until the edit.’ In fact, I thought that a lot.. a lot lot. Wow, this edit is going to be quite the undertaking.


After I post this, I shall be settling in for the re-draft. I want to dissect my manuscript, swap some chapters around, add a couple, and delete the unnecessary. As of now, I’m not sure how I’m going to proceed until I go through it with a fine tooth comb. I want to play with it and see what works. This could be weeks, if not months, of work, but is vital to my WIP. I know a lot of writers who don’t feel the need to redraft and head straight into an edit. I think a re-draft is an important step of my editing process, but maybe that’s just because I’m a ‘pantser’ and pour everything onto the page to be reworked later.

Do you allow yourself the freedom of a re-draft? Have you got any re-drafting tips that have made the process easier for you?

Content belongs to KJ.Chapman

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9 thoughts on “Re-Draft Time”

  1. The only tip that I have is do it.

    For me, I wrote my mafia novel and started working on novel two, just to get the story out. However, as I got more into book two, I realized that a lot should have been in book one so now there’s a re-draft of moving things around, introducing ideas earlier and much more. The more you write about your characters, the more you will learn about them and maybe even you do more research though you may have thought that original research was enough.

    It’s definitely important to take the steps for a novel that are needed, even if it is time consuming.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Dividing my original Pirate Eyes into two books required quite a bit of redrafting! It was my first experience and it was exhausting but rewarding!
    I love using cue cards to map out scenes. With each representing a scene it’s easy to lay them out and move them around and make notes!
    Best of luck with your edits!

    Liked by 1 person

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