Book Reviews

Review: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson

The Well of Ascension (Mistborn #2) by Brandon Sanderson 5/5

13349044_1191867994197949_1972624146_nBlurb: The impossible has been accomplished. The Lord Ruler – the man who claimed to be god incarnate and brutally ruled the world for a thousand years – has been vanquished. But Kelsier, the hero who masterminded that triumph, is dead too, and now the awesome task of building a new world has been left to his young protégé, Vin, the former street urchin who is now the most powerful Mistborn in the land, and to the idealistic young nobleman she loves.

As Kelsier’s protégé and slayer of the Lord Ruler she is now venerated by a budding new religion, a distinction that makes her intensely uncomfortable. Even more worrying, the mists have begun behaving strangely since the Lord Ruler died, and seem to harbor a strange vaporous entity that haunts her.

Stopping assassins may keep Vin’s Mistborn skills sharp, but it’s the least of her problems. Luthadel, the largest city of the former empire, doesn’t run itself, and Vin and the other members of Kelsier’s crew, who lead the revolution, must learn a whole new set of practical and political skills to help. It certainly won’t get easier with three armies – one of them composed of ferocious giants – now vying to conquer the city, and no sign of the Lord Ruler’s hidden cache of atium, the rarest and most powerful allomantic metal.

As the siege of Luthadel tightens, an ancient legend seems to offer a glimmer of hope. But even if it really exists, no one knows where to find the Well of Ascension or what manner of power it bestows.


Sanderson has done it again. So many points of view, and so many cleverly woven plots and sub plots that interlink beautifully. Every character is important, well developed, and enriches the story. They change, grow with the narrative, and are just so believable that they could be real humans.

I am continuously in awe of Sanderson’s world building skills. The allomancy, political agendas, and mythology that were established in book one have only been strengthen and shined in book two.

I love Vin’s character, and the reasonings I laid out in my review of book one still stand. I have a soft spot for her relationship with Elend, and the flaws and difficulties they face only make me root for them more. There is another character who’s swiftly becoming an absolute favourite of mine- Sazed. I wish I had created him- that is all. My husband has read this series countless times, and I continuously ask him questions about my favourite characters that I don’t really want answers to. Luckily, my husband loves the books just as much as I do and will not spoil them for me. There you go- two recommendations for this series rolled into one review!

Jam packed with action, loss *sobs*, and revelations, I read the last 250 pages or so in one sitting. The ending had some misleading moments that left me clamping my hand to my mouth, and then a cliffhanger that has fuelled my need to read book three.

Check out my review for The Final Empire, Mistborn #1 : here.

The opinions expressed here are those of K.J.Chapman and no other parties.

All books reviewed on this blog have been read by K.J.Chapman

K.J.Chapman has not been paid for this review.


5 thoughts on “Review: The Well of Ascension by Brandon Sanderson”

  1. What a great review and one that I completely agree with. My wife urged me to read the Mistborn books and not one of them disappointed. Sazed is a brilliant character who I thought was tremendously written. It just gets better and better. I was always fond of Breeze and Ham, they would always allow some light relief. I am now tempted to read them all again. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I can’t wait to get around this series ❤ Especially after seeing how much you love it! After my current read, which is only a few pages short of 1K, I want something shorter though. I might have to start reading two books at once 😛

    Liked by 1 person

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